The Brotherhood is fortunate to have an active group of Staff and Community Leaders who help to maintain and further our mission. Many of our leaders are the children or grandchildren of the original founders of the Brotherhood, making it all the more special that they remain active and involved in the society's efforts. Coupled with the support of our Executive Committee, Central Council, and various other committee members, these individuals dedicate their time and effort to sustain the Brotherhood and ensure its continuity for generations to come. If you are interested in becoming more active or getting involved with Brotherhood leadership, reach out to us at info@sephardicbrotherhood.com. We will welcome your support!
Ethan Marcus
Managing Director
Ethan Marcus is the Managing Director of the Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America, the national umbrella organization for the Ladino-speaking Sephardic community in the United States. In this capacity, he has rapidly grown the Sephardic community's membership base and developed innovative programs to engage a new generation of young Sephardic Jews around the world. He previously served as the Brotherhood's Director of Communications and the Director of Community Development for the Seattle Sephardic Community. From 2019 to 2020, Ethan was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study in Athens, Greece, where he conducted an independent research project on the unique liturgical customs of the Romaniote Jews of Greece. He is a graduate of Princeton University's School of Public and International Affairs, and his family originates from the Sephardic communities of Veria in modern day Greece and Izmir in modern day Turkey.
National Executive Committee
President: Sedat Behar
First Vice President: Jeffrey Beja
Second Vice President: Marvin Marcus
Secretary: Andrew Marcus
Treasurer: Jay Matalon
Financial Secretary: Daniel Small
Assist. Treasurer: Renee Motola
Assist. Financial Secretary: David Schribman
National Central Council
Larissa Cohen, NY
Jay Matalon, NJ
Ben Morgenroth, NY
Hon. Renee Motola, NJ
Dr. Pinhas Nissani, ISRL
Joely Pasetsky, NY
Berty Pilosof, NJ
Ian Pomerantz, DC
David Schribman, NJ
Jacob Shabay, CO
Daniel Small, NY
Zelda Stollman, NJ
Dr. Andrea Werner, NJ
Raphael Alcabes, WA
Benjamin Altman, NY
Sharon Assael Davis, FL
Renee Barocas, NY
Asaf Behar, CA
Sedat Behar, NJ
Alex Beja, NY
Jeffrey Beja, NY
Samantha Beja, TX
Alexander Benoliel, WA
Zack Ben-Ezra, FL
Alexandra Brenner, TORNT
Robert Carlson, CA
Rabbi Isaac Choua, NY
Claire Ezratty, NY
Jeffrey Ezratty, NY
Jodi Ezratty, ISRL
Rabbi Daniel Hadar, FL
Julia Keahey, OH
Aaron Levy, NJ
Ariella Levy, MA
Rabbi Yosef Lopez, AZ
Andrew Marcus, NY
Ethan Marcus, NY
Joel Marcus, NY
Marvin Marcus, NY